How can I “personalize” the Commons?
You don’t need to. We’ve got your stuff all organized for you.
How Do I Delete My Account?
Can member profiles be made private? How can I prevent my profile from showing up in a google search?
Right now, there is not a way to make Profiles private, but we can look into developing that functionality. For now, users worried about privacy should avoid using their full names on their profiles (some combination of initials and first … Continue reading →
How can I change email notification settings?
Go to the top black navigation bar and hover over your avatar in the top right corner. Click on “Account Settings” and then “Notifications”. Here you can choose whether you want to receive an email notification for a variety … Continue reading →
How do I send a message?
What are “notifications”?
The Notification link (on the top right bar of the Commons, just to the left of your avatar) indicates if you have a new message, friend request, or invitation to join a group. Zero indicates that you have no notifications.
What are mentions and how are they used?
The @mention system links others to the hyperlinked profile of the individual while notifying the individual of the mention via email. If you are trying to reach out to specific group members, simply put the @ symbol in front of … Continue reading →
How do I change my email address?
To register to the Commons, you need a CUNY email address. Once you have finished registering, you can switch to a more convenient email address. Please note: Commons members can have two email addresses. (1)Your Notification Email Address (i.e. your … Continue reading →
How do I change my display profile name?
After logging into the Commons, go to the top black navigation bar and select: Account Setting» Edit Profile. In the text box under “Full Name (required)” fill in your preferred name, then scroll down and select “Save Changes.” The Commons … Continue reading →
How can I change my password?