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Category: Commons Groups

  • Members Tab

    The Members tab lets all members of the group see who is a member of the group. (If the group is public, everyone can see who is a member of the group.)  On this tab they can establish friendships, unfriend … Continue reading →

  • Settings Tab

    The Settings Tab lets members control which, if any kinds of email notifications should be sent to them. The options are: All Emails New Topics Daily Digest Weekly Summary No Emails Here, members can also control how a discussion forum … Continue reading →

  • Send Invites Tab

    If the admin of your group determines that regular members can invite other CUNY colleagues to your group, you will Send Invites tab. When you click on this tab, you will see the following series of screens: Step one – … Continue reading →

  • Site Tab

    If an admin has set up an associated WordPress site for your group, you will see the Site tab. When you click it you will be taken directly to the WordPress site.

  • Activity Tab

    All members of a group have access the the group Activity Tab. Here they will a complete recap of what’s been happening in the group: new discussion topics and replies to those topic, new members, new events and new library … Continue reading →

  • Group Forums Tab

    Group admins use the Forums tab to determine if the group needs a discussion forum. Additionally, it allows a group admin to export the entire contents of the discussion forum to a CSV file. This is especially useful if you … Continue reading →

  • Group Delete Tab

    Group admins use the Delete tab to permanently delete a group. Use the action cautiously, as there is no way to reverse it. Admins must click the checkbox to confirm the consequences of deleting the group. Once the groups is … Continue reading →

  • Group External Blogs Tab

    Admins use the External Blogs tab to add RSS feeds to the group. The RSS feeds can come from other groups or sites on the Commons or from external RSS feeds. Whenever a new post is published, the RSS feed … Continue reading →

  • Group Events Tab

    Group admins use the Events tab to add events feeds from internal or external iCal files. This format “…is specified in a proposed Internet standard (RFC 5545) for calendar data exchange. The standard and file type are sometimes referred to … Continue reading →

  • Group Members Tab

    Admins use the Group Members tab to keep in contact with the group’s membership. Members can be ordered by Newest, Last Active, and Alphabetical. If the group is large, admins can search by name. Admins can also control member’s roles, … Continue reading →