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Category: Commons Groups

  • Group Details Tab

    Group admins use the Details Tab to edit their group’s details, including: the group name the group description (250 characters) the group email address (for Reply by Email) the group’s Quick Link the group’s metadata (campus and purpose) the group’s … Continue reading →

  • Group Cover Image Tab

    The Spring 2024 release introduced an optional “Cover Image” for a group. A cover image spans the entire top width of the group page and is 300px in height. Group admins use the Cover Image tab to optionally add or … Continue reading →

  • Group Settings Tab

    After a group admin initially sets up a group, the privacy level may need to change. The Settings tab is used to update the group’s privacy level: Public Groups – With a public group everything the group creates is visible … Continue reading →

  • Group Photo Tab

    Every group has an avatar or group photo. If none is supplied, the group is given a default image. This image is used on various pages of the Commons to represent the group. If the group photo was not supplied … Continue reading →

  • Group Activity Tab

    The Group Activity tab displays all activity that has taken place in a group. Items are displayed in reverse chronological order and include new forum topics, topic replies, document uploads, and new membership announcements. This information is available for both … Continue reading →

  • Deprecation of Social Paper

    Background In December 2015, the Commons launched the first version of Social Paper (Beta), an exciting networked writing environment that enabled students to compose and share all forms of their written work across across courses, disciplines, institutions and academic terms. … Continue reading →

  • Group Directory

    There are almost 2,000 groups on the Commons and the Groups Directory surfaces Commons groups by keyword, campus, purpose, and tags. Filters narrow search results – they have an implicit “and” condition. However, both the Campus and Purpose filters allow … Continue reading →

  • Embed A Group Forum On A Site Page

    If you want to embed a group discussion forum into a Site post or page, use the following shortcode, surrounded by “[” and “]: group-forum slug=”xxx” height=”800″ where xxx is the group slug. For example in the group URL, … Continue reading →

  • Clean Up After Group Cloning

    After you clone a group, there are several things to do: Choose a photo (or avatar) for your group Choose a cover image for your group (optional) Review the group’s description Review its short link, and adjust as needed Start … Continue reading →

  • How To Create or Clone a Group + Site

    A Connected Group + Site The Commons makes it possible to create or clone a connected group and site in one process. This process is broken down in two steps: first a group is created or cloned and then a … Continue reading →