Clean Up After Group Cloning

After you clone a group, there are several things to do:

  • Choose a photo (or avatar) for your group
  • Choose a cover image for your group (optional)
  • Review the group’s description
  • Review its short link, and adjust as needed
  • Start adding members. By default, a cloned group has only yourself as a member.
  • By default, the discussion forum will be empty. You may want to begin the forum’s first topic. Maybe even make your first topic “sticky” (i.e. stick to the top of the list of all forum topics). See more about discussion forum settings.
  • Review Library Items to verify they are appropriate. Remove items that do not belong. Adjust Folder names, if needed. And new items as needed
    • Only items written by admins are carried over in the cloning process
    • Items are attributed to original author
    • Your fellow admins will be notified by email that the group has been cloned. (Optionally, you can add them back as members of the cloned group.)
  • By default, the following settings are carried over from the original site. Review and change if necessary:
    • Email subscription settings
    • Permissions for group invitations
    • Whether forum is enabled
    • Status (public, private, hidden)

If your group is associated with a site:

  • Review site name and description
  • Optionally, add a navigation item that links to the group. (A navigation link from your cloned group to the connected site is automatically added.)
  • Review privacy settings
  • If site was cloned, review menu to ensure everything is correct