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Category: Commons Groups

  • How To Create Or Clone A Group

    Getting Started There are two ways to get started creating a group. In each case, you need to be logged on to the Commons. First Way – On the Commons home page, click on “Create a new space“: Second Way … Continue reading →

  • Group Email Notifications

    Each time a member does something in a group, such as join the group, add an item to the Group Library or the add a topic or reply to a topic in the Discussion Forum, the action is added to … Continue reading →

  • The Group Library

    A repository for group files, editable Docs, external links, and forum attachments, the group library centralizes member resources and allows them to be organized into folders and easily discovered by keyword searches or filtered by type and folder. Library items … Continue reading →

  • Group Metadata

    In June, 2019, the Commons began to collect basic metadata for sites and groups to better understand how members are using the Commons and what their needs might be. We will not share data entered here in aggregate with any … Continue reading →

  • How To Manage A Group

    Once you have created a group, you and whoever is also delegated to be an admin will see the “Manage” option in your group’s sidebar, circled below.   All the settings for your group can be adjusted here. They include: … Continue reading →

  • How To Join A Group

    Select ‘Groups’ from the main page.   Search for the group by name, campus, purpose, or tag. After you’ve found a group that interests you there will be two options. You can either select the “Join Group” button next the … Continue reading →

  • Cross Posting To Other Groups

    Have big news you just have to share with everyone? Your forum topics can be visible (or not!) to any or all groups you belong to. All groups that you’re a member of will appear listed beneath your new post. … Continue reading →

  • Group Features

    Groups offer the following functionality: Group Discussion Forums – where members can start new topics, or participate in discussion threads Group Library – a repository for uploaded files, editable Docs, forum attachments, and external links Reply By Mail – participate … Continue reading →

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Groups

  • Privacy, Student Names and Aliases

    We encourage faculty to explore teaching on the open web using the Commons, but it is important to vigilantly respect student privacy. Both groups and sites have privacy settings that can be used to control visibility. Many class groups are … Continue reading →