Teaching with a Group

Teaching with a group allows instructors to share course documents in the group library, host threaded discussions in the group forum, and send emails to all group members. Groups are less customizable than sites. You cannot change the way the group looks but you can add content in certain locations.

Group can be hidden, private to group members, or publicly visible and open to all members of the Commons. For more information on group privacy settings see here.


Getting Started

To create a group, you will need to register and log into the Commons. One you are logged in, click “Groups” in the main menu along the top of the home page. This will take you to the Creation Portal where you can select to “Create a Group”. More directions for creating groups and sites are here.


Adding Content to your Group

You can upload content into the Group Library. Several types of files, documents, and external links can be added here. Click here to learn more about the Group Library.

The forum can host threaded discussions on various topics. Forum attachments get stored in the library. All forum posts get emailed to group members. Members can change their forum notifications in the Email Options area.


Group Emailing

Since all Forum posts are emailed to group members Instructors often use the group as a way to email thier entire class through the Commons.