The Q & A WordPress plugin lets you easily add a configurable question & answer dialog on your site. First you create individual “FAQ” custom posts, where the post title is the question, and the post content body is the answer. You can assign categories to each FAQ post, and when you want to display your questions and answers, you use a simple short code. This is a neat way to provide a quick, compact Q&A dialog for your readers to quickly get onboard with new concepts, or create a review page that re-enforces important concepts.
Getting Started
When you activate the plugin, you’ll see a new section (“FAQs”) added to your dashboard (see image, above). Click on “Add New” to add a new Question & Answer. Here you can create a list of questions and answers that will appear on a single page:
Or you can use short codes. Remember – the title is the question, the content is the answer. You’ll need to repeat this process for each Q & A you add. To display your compiled list of questions and answers, use the following short code in any page or post:
Optionally, you can qualify the short code with a category, which will display only the Q&A’s in that category. That code looks like this (where “faq1” is the name of one of your categories):
Short codes can be sensitive to copy/paste operations – so if you have troubles (like I did), retype the short code rather than pasting what you copied.
The answer to your question is the post content, and it can contain images, links, text, and embedded video – anything that a normal post or page can contain.
If you go to your Dashboard and click Settings>>Q&A, you should see the following options that help you configure how you want your FAQs to appear. If you want, you can create a FAQ page dedicated to questions and answers. Or you can simply integrate your Q&A’s within posts and pages. (Hover over each question mark in your dashboard for handy tooltips that let you know what each option does).
Here are a couple Q & A’s to show what the plugin can do:
If you have any problems, let us know at the Commons help desk – [email protected]