As a rule, we don’t provide database and file bundles for import/export. Sites in the CUNY Academic Commons are part of a large WordPress network, and things like MySQL table prefixes, file paths, and user account IDs will not make sense for import/export. We encourage the use of WordPress’s native import/export tool (Dashboard > Tools > Export/Import), which generates an XML file that can be used for import/export to or from another WordPress installation. When importing/exporting into the new installation, WP will give you the option of bringing over old file attachments.
If this doesn’t work for some reason, please provide more info and we’ll see what we can do.
If you have content on another WordPress site, you can migrate your content following the instructions that follow. If your content is on Blogger, Tumblr, etc., or any site that has RSS feed functionality, you can easily import your content to your Commons site with the help of plugins detailed below. First, you’ll need to export your content to a file, and that process varies, depending upon the platform.
How To Migrate From Another WordPress Site
If you have content on another WordPress site (including, it is quite easy to migrate your content to the Commons by exporting your content to a file on your computer and then importing it to your site on the Commons.
- First, go to the Commons and create your new site. See instructions for how to create a site.
- Add the authors of the posts from your original site as users to your Commons site.
- Then, go to your WordPress site, enter the dashboard (you can do this by adding “/wp-admin” to the end of the URL),
- Click on “Tools” in the lower left-hand corner, and then click “Export” in the drop down menu that appears.
- On the next screen, click “Start Export” under the free option for exporting.
- If you want to migrate ALL your content, keep the default selection of “All Content” selected and click “Download Export File.” (You can also choose to just migrate selected posts, pages, or comments. If you are using a Premium theme, you may see other export options – make sure the same premium theme is available on the Commons and is installed.)
- Save the file somewhere you can easily locate it.
- Go to your new Commons site, enter the dashboard, click “Tools,” and then click “Import.”
- Click “Run Importer.”
- Click “Choose File” and search for the XML file that you downloaded from your old site, click “open,” then click “Upload file and import.”
- On the next screen, assign authors to the posts and check the box for “Download and Import File Attachments” and click “Submit.”
See the following video for easy instructions:
How to Migrate from Blogger
Blogger is Google’s free blog-publishing service. If your site’s url is something like “” – you’re using Blogger. To export your content to a file, follow these instructions. Then install the “Blogger Importer” plugin on your Commons site.
How to Migrate from Tumblr
Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website, now owned and operated by Yahoo. If your site url is something like “” you are using Tumblr. Follow these instructions to export your content to an xmr file. Then install the “Tumblr Importer” plugin on your Commons site.
How to Migrate from an RSS feed
If you can access content on the Web via an RSS feed, you can import that content into your blog stream using the “RSS Importer.” If you see a RSS icon, you can click on that, or you might try to simply append “/feed” to the end of the contents url. Once you reach a screen that looks something like this, you can click on “view source” and then save that file on your computer. Then install the “RSS Importer” plugin on your Commons site.
How to Migrate from Movable Type and TypePad
If your site’s url is something like “” you’re using TypePad. If your site’s url is something like “” you’re using Movable Type. To export your content to a file, follow these instructions. Then install the Movable Type and TypePad Importer plugin on your Commons site.
How to Migrate from Live Journal
If your site’s url is something like “” – you’re using Live Journal. To export your content to a file, follow these instructions. Then install the “Live Journal Importer” plugin on your Commons site.
Import Process
Once you have your exported file, go your Commons site and open up your dashboard. Go to Tools>>Import and find the importer that corresponds with your content. Click on Run Importer, then upload your files.
Any questions? Please email the Community team: [email protected] .